🎲King of Elephants (bidding game)

Like every other product developed on the GAJ platform is unique in its way and provides an opportunity for GAJ users to earn handsomely; King of Elephants to keep up with that promise. Kings of Elephants is a unique bidding game that allows users to earn as high as 50% of the pot value.

The unique bidding game has a 120-second step-down timer that resets on each bid. The users have to bid $GAJ, which goes into the Forest Pool balance allowing the user to become the current king. When the timer turns to zero, the users that hold the current king position becomes the King of Elephants

As part of the winning, the forest pool is distributed in the following manner

  1. 50% of the total forest pool value is credited instantly to the winner’s address

  2. 20% of the total forest pool value is carried over to the next round

  3. 30 % of the total forest pool value is burned automatically

One should note that anyone can press the claim button, but the winning share will go to the last bidder, and all bids placed are final. Once the bidding is done, the GAJ that has been placed as a bid won’t be returned

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